Phoenix Rising:

Mental health/author blog

A.F. Widener has developed a deep understanding of mental illness and its portrayal in literature through her engagement with fiction and nonfiction. Fueled by her passion for reading, writing, and mental health, she is determined to impact the world positively. Despite grappling with mental illnesses like C-PTSD, Autism, depression, and BPD, she has gained invaluable wisdom and perspectives from her struggles, enabling her to make a positive impact on others’ lives. She strives to create an environment that welcomes open discussions, fostering a sense of support and hope.

Photo by Christopher Campbell
Photo by Velizar Ivanov
Devastating Toll: Gun Violence’s Emotional Scars on Teen Mental Health
Follow us on Social Media x facebook instagram pinterest Stigmatized Mental Illness and Shooters While some abusers may have mental health issues, it is crucial to recognize that most individuals with mental illness are not violent. In fact, people with mental health conditions are more likely to be victims of violence rather than perpetrators. It […]
Trauma-Induced PNES – Help is Here | Hope For Healing
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Managing Emotions: Coping Techniques for People with Autism and Borderline Personality Disorder
It’s important to have various coping mechanisms for when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed. By taking care of yourself and your emotional needs, you can improve your overall well-being and feel more resilient in life’s challenges.
Book Review: The Trials of Ashmount
Follow us on Social Media x facebook instagram pinterest (Author’s Note: I am keeping this spoiler free, so there are many details that I have hidden to keep from giving away the plot or ending.) Series: Tragedy of Cedian (book 1) Indie author, John Palladino My rating 4.8 John Palladino’s debut novel, The Trials of […]
Holiday Shopping
Impulses of any kind need to be remedied and treated. This blog will cover ways to do it around the holidays. I am doing the holidays, when the big deals come out, all the savings, the coupons, the must-haves. Yeah. We need to put those down and go back home. No, don’t go to the clearance section. Home. Go home.
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